We believe we can help you collaborate and communicate with customers and employees more efficiently… see if
NextPointe is a fit for you

No one can offer you the special treatment that we provide!

Are you dealing with a "Do it Yourself" Phone System

In the Legal world, time is everything and you must know how to make the most of it. There's no many providers with the capacity to support you in every step of the way. With NextPointe you will have a fully managed service, and will not have to worry about:

  • Managing the Phone System
  • Dealing with Internet Providers
  • Dealing with different tool

No more frustration!

Forget about dealing with portals to reset passwords, change extensions, or access to your call history. You can call or send an email anytime, and you will be receiving what you need directly from our Support Team.

With NextPointe, you will have access to tons of benefits

Can’t wait? Call today and let us know how we can help you!

Use your time wisely!

Special Promotion for Coral Gables Law Firms

Get a Free demo:

One test number

A desk Phone with unlimited Calls

Mobile App access with unlimited calls

A softphone access for your computer

Access to the SMS Application